Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 3 Everything is bigger in HOLLYWOOD!!!

Sorry i didn't write this blog last night people so tonight im burning the midnight oil to bring u 2 chapters.
The day started off pretty much the same as every other morning we've been here. Apparently there was a car alarm going off at all hours of the morning which kept poor Kara and Steve awake. Good thing for me i was dead to the world. So after breaky we organized a taxi to take us back to Kodak theater. We got there nice and early and decided to take some pics of the celeb imprints on concrete in front of the famous Chinese theater. We also stocked on some drinks and snacks for our limo tour of the movie star home around Hollywood/Beverly hills. While we were waiting for our limo, one of the Starline tour vendors told us that our driver was part famous because she had recently made a guest appearance on the Lopez Tonight. Its a popular late night talk show for the locals here. When our driver arrived the first thing we spotted was how rough the limo was. It had a few dings and scratches and the limo was badly polished. I don't think this company really cares about there limo and buses if what ive seen is anything to go by.
So we begin the tour and the driver takes us up to Mulholland drive to a vantage spot where we can take pictures of the city and the Hollywood sign.Karisse wasnt game enough to climb the set of stairs that go up to the point. Its a pretty fair way down. While we were there you wouldn't guess what celeb was there doing some shots for his show? Conan O'Brien. So anyway i got some nice pics of the city of LA and the famous Hollywood sign on the hill. Now if ur wondering where are all my pics, the net here at the Comfort Inn is free but its not super fast. I think karisse tried to up load 600+ pics and the net nearly went into shock trying to upload.  After taking the pics we continued on our tour for the famous celeb houses around the place. I was actually surprised by some of the houses the celebs lived in. Our guide was pretty knowledgeable about the celeb homes. Karaisse got to see Lady GaGa's current rental house.Can you believe some one like Gaga would be renting?? Cheapskates. Kara got to see a little bit of the Playboy Mansion. She was soo excited she was speaking to a rock. Apparently the rock speaks back sometimes. But not this time for Kara, even after she proclaimed her love for Hef(Hugh Hefner Playboy Founder/owner/ Legend).Even Steve got to see his idol Justin Bieber rental home(JOKES!!!! Steve would love to sing with him sometime, NO not really he would just kill the annoying little shit!!). The one home that spun me out was old Steven Spielbergs house way up on the hill. They have used his house to most recently shoot Iron Man 2 as Tony Starks home.
Once we were done with the tour we decided to do the Ripleys Believe or Not Museum Tour. This place had some the funniest and weirdest things i have ever seen. They had a Real Chastity belt from medievil years and they even had exhibit based on the different types of torture used throughout time. Ripley the guy who started the museum actually had a pretty interesting life. He did a shit load of traveling around the world even before planes started flying commercially.
We finished up at museum and went got some souvenirs from one of the shops. We then jumped on another tour bus so we could go to the farmers market/The Grove.  Now this is where our day sorta when to shit because we waited around for our bus and we got on it thinking it was running on time. The driver seemed nice and he even let us eat on the bus. But he waited nearly 30mins over the original departure time because he had to wait for the other bus to arrive. It was a pretty bad day cause the traffic was jammed and i was feeling sick( i get bad motion sickness thx mum:-( )also everybody else was busting to go to the toilet. The poor bus driver did his best to try and get us back on time. He nearly got in the shit cause as he was letting off one passenger at a stop, two other passenger tried sneaking off as well. As the last passanger got off he closed the door on her thinking nobody else was getting off. She got stuck pretty good and he drove a little bit with her still hanging off the door. She got out in the end but she looked pissed.
So we finally get to Markets and we went straight into the nearest restaurant to use the toilets. We were also starving so we grabbed a table and had a good feed. The one i have noticed with American food and service is the serving sizes are big, the price is not expensive and the staff are usually very attentive to your needs. Why cant Australia be more like this???
After Lunch/Dinner yes we missed lunch cause of the bus, Kara had spotted out her Dream Store if she was a little girl again. American Girl Place is not just an ordinary doll store. it is a friggin doll Mecca. If you were a doll you wish you could come here. It is a 3 Story store dedicated to the creation and maintenance of dolls. What sort of Doll store has a cafeteria,hospital, and salon. Good old GI Joe didn't get no treatment like this. Not even Barbie get this pampered. K&K decided to go into the store to make a doll for Alira. We would hear back from them for a think at least 2 hrs. Steve and I just browsed around the place looking for Cold weather gear to wear in New York. It is actually very hard to get clothes for guys that are tall and large. I never really understood until i tried helping Steve look for clothes that would fit him It was frustrating and i can only imagine how it must feel. I hope one day It wont have to be problem for anybody :-)
The Kmart store we looked in had the same sort of setup as a Kmart store back home. Cheap and Nasty. Funny thing when we were walking the a black women had cut across another driver in her car and because the traffic was banked up she couldnt move any further. She yelled at the other driver she cut off "U can F**ken wait!!" Only in America, I think not...
When we finally catchup with the girls, we decided we wanted to try and go to the big fashion outlet chain across town called Citadel. If only it was that easy. We went to the main road and unsuccessfully tried to hail a cab down off. we also tried calling a cab company but because our sim cards on our phones r crap we couldnt even call one. After roughly 45mins we got a cab and asked the driver if he could take us to the outlet shops. he said it would be too far to make it there before closing.And So we began the long journey back to the hotel. We got back to the hotel and pretty much crashed.
Thats my excuse for not writing my blog yesterday.
My next entry will detail our trip to Universal Studios and Beverly Centre Shopping complex and the Citadel Outlet Stores

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