Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 2 Starstruck!!!

If somebody told me i was gonna see a celebrity today i probably wouldve said 'yeh its possible' but to see at least 3 or 4 b grade celebs, its left me starstruck.
Our day started off easy enough, i was still awake from finishing my last post earlier this morning. When done the lobby for some breakfast. Had to make my own waffles. i dont think ive ever really had waffles before but they were pretty darn good. We organized a Taxi to take us to the kodak theater. The taxi comes and its some rough looking Hispanic. i guess i could say that's stereotypical. The only thing was his taxi was a Chrysler 300C( Bet u couldnt get that as one of ur taxi's in hedland). Now everybody who has seen me before knows that im Pilbara Special( Half irish/Half Filo) I can understand that i look asian and some asians speak to me in there native language that i cant understand, but for a hispanic to mistake me for one of them and start speaking spanish to me? What nationally do i really look like???
Ok so we finally get to kodak theater and book our tickets for the tour around Hollywood,downtown and Santa Monica/Beverley hills. did i forget to mention the weather here, FYI its f**ken cold, i think it was least 9c or 10c and in the late arvo it bucketed down with cold rain. We had a look around the walk of fame and we even had a quick look at the chinese theater with all the celeb hand prints. Only problem was they had it shut off to the public cause Kobe Bryant was doin his bit today. So we finally started our tour of Hollywood. we seen some of the famous icons according to the tour operator. Well actually it was a cheesy pre recorded Pommy bloke talk jibberish half the time. The tour bus it self left a little bit to be desired. The bus needs to be more comfortable and actually have a physical guide talking about the landmarks.
Now me and steve being the top blokes we are Let the ladies have a wonder around the world famous Rodeo Drive. For simple guys like me and steve there wasnt really much for us to enjoy down this street but For Karisse and Kara (K&K) i think it was like walking down a dream street of world fashion outlets that u would never see in Australia. They were drawn straight away to the store Juicy Couture. i think they must ve spotted the 40% off sign in the doorway. Well they left us for dust and some and steve did some car spotting to kill the time. 30mins later K&K had found the clothes they wanted and so i handed over $140 for a knitted jumper and knitted hat. It wasnt too bad considering what the normal price was for the jumper before the sale.
Now that the girls had got that out of there system we continued to walk down Rodeo drive until we arrived at the Louis Vuitton outlet. There was a heap of random people just hanging around the front of the store, a heap of photographers and a heap of door greeters/drivers. We figured there must be some celebs in the area ready to do some shopping in the store. I was thinking maybe the Kardashians or sumthin. Ends up there was a whole heap of celebs going there to attend some charity do upstairs in the store. The famous people that we got pictures of were - Brandy, Amber Rose(Kanye west ex), Shaqs ex and some other famous rapper that drives a Bugatti veyron. There were other people but i didnt catch who they were so i just took photos when the paparazzi did. I did notice alot of bolt on chests amongst the invited guests. We must of hung around for a least an hour waitin for more celebs to turn up but in the end we needed to move back onto the tour.
Now before i jumped back onto the tour i made the fatal mistake of buying a stupid energy shot drink that supposedly gives you a 5 hour energy boost. The only thing it gave me was a crook stomach all day. U have been warned!!!!
We took the tour bus all the way to the santa monica pier on the famous route 66. We had Bubba gumps for lunch.Bubba gumps is a seafood based restaurant on the movie forrest gump. i could hardly eat any of my fried shrimp cause of crook gut. The rest of the gang enjoyed there meals. We actually had to wait 15mins to get in cause it was packed in there. As we left to walk around the pier it started to rain a little. There was an elmo in a suit running round the pier scarring all the asian kids( Racist Monster) K&K thought it would be a nice idea to ride the ferris wheel that hangs over the pier and is like 40ft tall. They both mustve forgotten they are scared of heights and when we finally got onto the ride the both started to panic and laugh. I do have video evidence of this event if anybody is interested. Finished up at the pier then headed back to downtown Hollywood. the rain was bucketing down by this time. Steve nearly went ass up cause his thongs were dead flat. This gave K&K the chance to go shoe shopping. Steve ended up being the shoe hoarder with 4 pairs of assorted footware. Karisse got the deal of the day with 70% off her shoes and Kara rounded it off with 2 pairs of shoes. I did end up gettin a pair of shoes myself but from a different store.
We had a look at Madame Tussuad's wax museum. Something off putting about real look alike wax figures.its like they can stare straight through your very being... Rain kept pouring down, had to resort to Macca's for dinner. I think its safe to say that an aussie big mac and USA big mac are the same. Got another taxi back to hotel and had a nice big shit and shower 
Tommorow is another day and a few more dollars to spend. We have got a private limo to take us around to all the celeb homes around the place. Karisse NEEDS to go to outlet shopping at the Citadel. She has no more clean cold weather gear and so do i. I really hope this rain goes away...

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